Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 2148


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 2148

Reference Number




c. 1941


From back of print: Dancing War Workers - These two dancers are members of the "Waikiki Diary" cast and are civilian war workers at Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. They are Hortense Brown and Joe Stamile, and are featured in a routine built around the show's hit song "He Always Keeps His Hat On When He Kisses Me." The Pearl Harbor Navy Yard is presenting this musical revue under the sponsorship of the Honolulu Community Theatre. It opens January 25th at the Roosevelt High School Auditorium.

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

21 x 25.5 cm

Is Part Of

Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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